Autism Spectrum Disorder. Clinical and Educational Topics
For a long time we have been concerned that there is no book on Autism, written in Greek, by Greek authors who have travelled a path of expertise, experience and knowledge through the inversion with Autism.
A gap and a need that should start to be filled. The decision was settled about two years ago, and what encouraged us to go ahead with it was the immediate response of the colleagues and collaborators we approached for writing the chapters, who have expertise and experience. Two years of diligent cooperation and effort have resulted in this result, in this Greek book on Autism, which now awaits the readers’ judgment.
As when approaching a child, a person with difficulties on the autism spectrum, we always refer to a multidisciplinary team, this dimension is adequately represented: child psychiatrists, psychologists, speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, special educators. Whatever the starting point, our common ground is Autism and all that it entails, so the principles of training and cooperation are given and essential. At the same time it is stressed that parental involvement should be integral to the approaches and procedures.